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Covid-19 Blues

Admin Sam

We are witnessing the response in Stockton as COVID-19 takes over the hearts and minds of our communities and rational responses are fewer with every passing day. On this day we are about 3 months into the COVID Lock down but many of us know that the sickness started effecting people several months before the official notification was released.

In this time of sickness where we and our loved ones fight an invisible enemy, tempers are short and logic is fleeting.

We had been slowing the fear in Stockton towards Police, Medical, and Emergency Services as trust was rebuilt brick by brick before this pandemic swept through the nation inciting every small fear we all bury deep in our hearts and making them very large and overwhelming.

Some have been coining this phenomenon as the COVID blues for the very real danger that the lock down has inflicted in each and every one of the citizens of Stockton, each danger different but no less damaging in mind, body and spirit.

We are urging that our communities caution all reactions, as it may very well save a life. Fear creates chaos, that is a fact. Do not forget that you are not alone, there are helping hands in the Police, Medical and Emergency Staff that are aware of your struggles.

No one is sitting silent in this time of trials. We are here for you.

You are seen and heard and your health and happiness is what drives Law Enforcement and Emergency Services to keep going long after the clock has hit quitting time.

Remember to take your time when you go to the grocery, to wash your hands often and do not touch your face.

The COVID blues has a grip on the City; It is motivated by the fear and anger brought in this time, but it is not forever and we hope it is not long before the city is returned to the usual level of organized chaos it once was.

Patriots are in your Police Force, they are in your hospitals and your ambulances.

We at Patriot Private Security are here for all of your security needs.

You can always call on us.

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